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Java 11 Interview Questions and Answers

Question: What is the difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK?

To check the detail difference, please check here: OracleJDK vs OpenJDK 💯💯

  • Ever since Java 7, Java has been developed out in the open in the OpenJDK project. It's open source, but it's mainly driven by committers from Oracle, the owners of Java. But there are also many outside contributions from the likes of Red Hat, Twitter, and IBM. When you want to run Java, you have a choice to either use the OpenJDK releases or to use the Oracle JDK release. The Oracle JDK release used to be a slightly extended and amended version of OpenJDK. The ultimate goal here is to have no differences between the Oracle JDK builds and the OpenJDK builds.
  • The main difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK is that Oracle JDK incorporates some commercial features. Rather than stripping these features to get conversions between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK, Oracle has committed to open source these commercial features into OpenJDK. This process already started with Java 9 and 10 and is continued with Java 11.
  • With Java 11, the goal of a convergence between the Oracle JDK and OpenJDK code bases have been achieved. there's some pretty big differences in licensing. OpenJDK is GPL 2 licensed, so it has a true open source license. Oracle JDK, on the other hand, has a proprietary license called the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement. Up until Java 10, you could use both OpenJDK and Oracle JDK in production free of charge. For Oracle JDK, you could buy optional support from Oracle. That's changing with Java 11. For OpenJDK there are no changes, you can still use the GPL 2 license builds. However, you can no longer use Oracle JDK free of charge in production.
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